Can interactive content increase engagement on firm’s website?

Interactive-Content | Simulas

It is no secret that the legal industry is one of the most complex and challenging industries to market. It is also an industry slowly but surely adapting to the modern age of digital marketing. Many law firms are now turning to website design and content strategies that would have been unthinkable a few years ago.

One of the latest trends in law firm website design is interactive content. Interactive content is a type of content that requires the user to take some form of action to consume it. This could be anything from playing a game to taking a quiz or even moving their mouse around.

But does this type of content work? Is it possible to increase user engagement on your law firm’s website by using interactive content? We take a look at the evidence in this blog post.

What is User Engagement?

User engagement measures your user’s interest and involvement with your website or content. Engaged users are more likely to stick around longer, conversion rates are higher, and they are generally more valuable to your business. There are several ways to measure user engagement, but some of the most common metrics include time on site, pages per visit, and bounce rate.

It is important to note that user engagement is not the same as Click-Through Rate (CTR). CTR is simply a measure of how often users click on a particular link or ad. It does not necessarily mean they are interested or engaged with what they see.

What is Interactive Content?

Interactive content is a type of content that requires the user to interact with it in some way. This could be anything from playing a game to taking a quiz or even moving their mouse around. The idea behind interactive content is that it will be more engaging for users than traditional, static content. After all, if a user has to take action to consume the content, they are more likely to be interested in it.

How Interactive Content can Increase User Engagement on Your Law Firm’s Website?

There are several ways in which interactive content can increase user engagement on your law firm’s website.  

First of all, it can be used to capture attention. Interactive content is often more visually engaging than traditional content. This means it is more likely to catch a user’s attention when scrolling through a webpage.  

Secondly, interactive content can hold a user’s attention for longer. If a user is actively interacting with the content, they are less likely to get bored or distracted. This means they are more likely to stick around for longer and potentially convert into clients.  

Finally, interactive content can create a more personal connection with the user. By interacting with the content, users are more likely to feel like they are part of the experience. This can lead to a deeper connection with the law firm and its brand. All of these factors combine to create a more engaged user. And a more active user is more likely to convert into a client.

Examples of Interactive Content

Before we dive too deep into the benefits of interactive content, let’s look at some examples of interactive content law firms use to increase user engagement on their websites.


Quizzes are a great way to increase user engagement on your law firm’s website. They are quick and easy to take, and they can be used to capture a user’s attention and hold their attention for longer. Plus, quizzes can be used to generate leads. By requiring users to provide their contact information before taking the quiz, you can quickly and easily create a list of potential clients.


Calculators are a great way to increase user engagement on your law firm’s website. They are quick and easy to use and can capture a user’s attention and hold their attention for longer. Plus, calculators can be used to generate leads. By requiring users to provide their contact information before using the calculator, you can quickly and easily create a list of potential clients.

Blog Posts

Blog posts are a great way to increase user engagement on your law firm’s website. They are quick and easy to read and can capture a user’s attention and hold their attention for longer. Plus, blog posts can be used to generate leads. By requiring users to provide their contact information before reading the blog post, you can quickly and easily create a list of potential clients.

As you can see, there are several different types of interactive content that law firms can use to increase user engagement on their websites. Each type of content has its advantages, and each can be used to generate leads. So, what are you waiting for? Start using interactive content on your law firm’s website today!

The Benefits of Interactive Content

So, what are the benefits of using interactive content on your law firm’s website?

  • Increased User Engagement
    The most obvious benefit of using interactive content is increasing user engagement. This is because it requires the user to take some action to consume it. This could be anything from playing a game to taking a quiz or even moving their mouse around.
  • Improved SEO
    Another benefit of using interactive content is improving your law firm’s SEO. This is because search engines favor websites that offer a good user experience. And what could be a better user experience than an interactive and engaging website?
  • More Shares and Links
    If your law firm’s website is full of static, boring content, then it is unlikely that users will want to share it with their friends and followers. But if you have an interactive quiz or game that is fun and engaging, users are much more likely to share it with their networks. This can lead to a massive increase in traffic to your website.

In conclusion, yes, it is possible to increase user engagement on your law firm’s website by using interactive content. By using interactive content, you can offer users a more engaging and enjoyable experience that will keep them returning for more. If you’re interested in increasing user engagement on your website, contact Simulas or call on (408) 715-3635 and we’ll be happy to help.

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