Digital Accessibility: What Legal Firms Need to Know About Developing Websites?

As the world becomes more digital, businesses realize that it is essential to have websites that anyone can access. As the world becomes more digital, businesses realize that it is essential to have websites that anyone can access.

To ensure that everyone, including those with physical disabilities, can utilize digital technology, accessibility in the digital world implies making sure that everyone can use digital technology. Websites, applications for mobile phones, and various other types of electronic communication are all included in this category. Accessibility is not just the morally correct thing to do but also the law in many jurisdictions. It is important to remember this while designing public spaces such as websites and social media profiles.

 This blog for a law firm will discuss some things law firms should keep in mind when making their websites.

What does “digital accessibility” mean?

Digital accessibility ensures that anyone can use your website or app, no matter their abilities. It means making sure that all content is easy to find, features are available, and all design elements can get used.

Making your website or app easier to use can help you. Besides being the right thing to do, it can also help your business.

By law, organizations have to make sure people with disabilities can use their websites. A lawsuit could happen if a website is not accessible.

Why is it so important to have a digitally accessible website?

As of 2018, 1.4 billion people around the world have a disability. That’s about 15% of the people in the country. And only 48 % of those people can use the Internet.

It is a number that everyone should be worried about. According to the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C2017), just 39 percent of websites meet the minimal requirements for accessibility. This information can get found in the Web Accessibility Statistics Report.

  • 61% of people with disabilities said they have been to a website that wasn’t easy to use.
  • 45 per cent of people with disabilities said that they stopped using a website because it wasn’t easy to use.

Studies have shown that websites that are easy to use bring in more leads than those that aren’t. A study by the Department of Justice found that businesses with websites that were easy to use observed a massive jump in charges, from 11% to 34%.

Also, having a website that can get accessed digitally helps more than just people with disabilities, such as:

  • People use things like cell phones, tablets, smart watches, etc.
  • People who have to deal with problems like slow Internet.
  • Like older people, people don’t know how to use the Internet.

How Can Simulas Help You?

Simulas can help law firms make sure that their website and other online platforms meet Americans With Disability (ADA) standards, suitable for making digital information easier to access. We reach this goal by ensuring that people with disabilities, like deafness or blindness, can access all of the company’s material. It is essential because it makes sure that everyone has the same access to information, no matter how they get to it. It makes sure that everyone can get the same information.

Digital marketing agencies like Simulas can help law firms make sure that their websites are accessible for everyone to find. It means making sure that people with disabilities like being deaf, blind, or having trouble hearing can still use the website.

Digital Simulas can help with several common accessibility problems, such as :

  1. Use colors with a lot of contrast.
  1. Use large fonts.
  1. Speak clearly.
  1. Use images with alt text that tells you what they are.
  1. Make sure that all links have the correct names.
  1. Put your content in order by using headings and subheadings.
  1. Give audio versions of what you have to say.

Visit this page or call (408) 715-3635 to learn more about website development and other digital marketing services offered by Simulas.

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