Do Law Firms Need Separate Landing Pages for PPC?

In digital marketing, landing pages are standalone web pages created for an advertising campaign. They are the pages searchers land on after clicking on your law firm’s paid advertisements like Google Ads, YouTube Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.

In theory, landing pages are designed to serve a specific purpose by providing an answer to a question posed by a user with a high level of intent. These users are more likely to convert if they find the answer to their question on the landing page. In principle, any given page could be regarded as a landing page.

Landing Pages Should Be Designed Based on User Intent

The design, layout, and content of your landing pages should be determined by the user’s intent, not their traffic source.

For instance, if a person is charged with DUI, he will search “DUI attorney near me”; he may click on an advertisement or an organic search result. Regardless, the intent remains unchanged.

By creating separate landing pages for PPC, you acknowledge that the page you’ve optimized for SEO (or any other traffic source) is optimally suited to satisfy the user’s intent.

If the user’s intent is to find a lawyer and your law firm’s objective is to convert the user into a lead, your “landing page” must be designed, formatted, and written to achieve these objectives.

When Does It Make Sense to Create Separate Landing Pages For PPC?

When you do not have the resources to create original content to the extent that is required to get traffic from search engine optimization. Even though the page is not going to rank in organic results, it may make sense to create pages that are only for PPC advertising because you can reuse content or use thin content and still be able to run ads on those pages. In this case, it may also make sense to create pages that are only for PPC campaigns.

When you are comparing two or more different page layouts using A/B testing. In digital marketing, it’s common practice to compare the performance of two different landing pages aimed at the same audience in order to determine which one is more successful. In this situation, it might make sense to create pages that are only for PPC advertising. On the other hand, we have significant reservations about the usefulness of A/B testing, particularly in the context of law firms, where the amount of data that is collected is so relatively limited.


Although there might be a few noteworthy exceptions, experts do not advise legal service providers to develop distinct landing pages for pay-per-click advertising. You shouldn’t make pages that send potential customers to base on how they found you. Instead, you should make them based on what the potential customer is looking for at that time. We’ve seen that clients who want separate pages for PPC are more concerned with outputs than results. This is a path to failure, which is one reason why experts don’t recommend it.

At Simulas, we are committed to helping our clients achieve the highest levels of success in their online endeavours. Contact us today at (408) 715-3635 to learn more about how we can help your law firm with a robust digital marketing strategy.

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