A Guide To Link Building For Law Firms

Link Building For Law Firms | Simulas

If you’re serious about SEO and ranking in Google for keywords that will generate more valuable traffic and leads, you’re likely aware that link building for your law firm’s website is a crucial component of your search engine optimization strategy.

What Is Link Building?

Link building refers to the process of acquiring links from other websites that point back to the target website. All websites on the Internet are built with HTML, and the HTML anchor tag represents a link.

Links, or hyperlinks as they are formally known, exist naturally on all websites in various locations, including navigational links found in main menus, footers, and sidebars, as well as links embedded within the content of a webpage. Links serve a variety of purposes, ranging from merely navigational to provide site visitors with guidance and direction throughout a website’s various resources to citing or referencing an external resource or authoritative website.

Why Is Link Building Important?

Since the introduction of Google’s search engine, backlinks have played a crucial role in determining which pages to rank and in what order for a particular search.

Google implemented a patent-protected algorithm called page PageRank, which measured the importance and relevance of a website by analyzing the external links pointing to it. Each unique link from an external website can be viewed as a vote for the target website.

Our law firm marketing agency frequently conducts studies to determine the effects of particular SEO factors and signals on organic search rankings. In our most recent study of law firm websites that rank organically in Google, we discovered that link building continue to be one of the most important ranking factors.

How To Build Backlinks For Lawyers?

Obtaining and maintaining backlinks requires significant time and effort. In addition to being one of the most crucial SEO ranking factors, it is also one of the most difficult. When it comes to link building for the website of your law firm, there are specific types of links you should prioritize. We divide them into six categories:

  1. Links from Pages and Articles that are Topical & Relevant
  2. Legal websites with links pointing to your website
  3. Local websites with a write-up or listing of your firm and a link to the website
  4. Websites that build and demonstrate Trust, such as a local chamber of commerce or the BBB, for instance
  5. Authority websites which include editorial site, media sites like newspapers and news stations, industry-specific websites that are seen as authoritative sources in their niche
  6. Citations & Directories, which include websites such as Yelp and Yellow Pages.


We hope you’ve picked up a few new strategies, or at the very least one, that will help you acquire more link building for your legal practice. Keep in mind that you should always adhere to Google’s guidelines, always play honestly, and always be patient. Link building is one of the most challenging and time-consuming SEO activities you can perform for your company’s online presence and search visibility. However, it is also one of the most valuable SEO activities.

Simulas is a digital marketing law firm that can help you create an effective link building strategy for your law firm. Contact us today at (408) 715-3635.

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