How To Create A Law Firm SEO Strategy To Get New Clients?

Create A Law Firm SEO Strategy To Get New Clients | Simulas

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the best marketing strategies to implement for your law firm. Many of your future clients will find you through a Google search, so you should also strive to be found there. If you are unfamiliar with law firm SEO, it may be helpful to break it down into manageable chunks. When you begin this process, you will likely receive SEO advice from all angles and perspectives. The reality is that there are numerous successful SEO strategies, and each type of business requires a unique approach.

Your website is the focal point of your SEO success as a lawyer. If your website contains potent keywords, high-quality content, and well-optimized pages, it will increase your chances of ranking highly on search engines and encourage site visitors to contact your business. Therefore, the majority of your law firm SEO strategy should focus on enhancing your online presence via digital content.

4 Simple Steps To Create A Winning Law Firm SEO Strategy

  1. Know The Top Ranking Factors
    To achieve these objectives, your company must be aware of the factors Google uses to prioritize and rank content. Google’s algorithm for ranking websites uses approximately 200 ranking factors. Checking the competitiveness or difficulty score of each keyword is one of the best ways to determine whether a particular keyword will perform well for your site.
    In addition to general keywords pertaining to your law firm, you should also consider local search ranking factors. When your prospective clients search for a new attorney, they are most likely looking for a local firm.
  1. Create Your Content
    Once you have identified the ranking factors and best keywords for your business, it is time to optimize your content. This will bring you one step closer to ensuring your website performs well in search engine results pages (search engine results page). You must first determine which types of content are optimal for your law firm.
  1. Optimize Your Content
    A few simple changes can make or break your website in the world of SEO. Therefore, when it comes to law firm SEO, it is acceptable to pay attention to the details (and encouraged). It is important to ensure that your website, social media pages, and formula for regularly posting content contain the most effective content possible.
  1. Update, Track, And Audit Your Content Periodically
    After your website has been established, the work is not done. In terms of blog content, the general recommendation for attorneys is to publish at least twice per month. When determining your website’s ranking, Google prefers to see that new content is added frequently. Posting a new blog entry every week will be even more beneficial if you can.

In addition to keeping your website up-to-date, performing “SEO checks” to ensure that your content is still relevant is essential. It is also advisable to monitor the success of your content frequently so that you can determine what your audience is most interested in. A law firm should conduct a content audit between two and four times per year, or at least once per quarter.


Once you have implemented an effective law firm SEO strategy, it is time to get ready to be discovered by prospective clients. Let Simulas handle your SEO so you can focus on providing the best legal counsel possible. Contact our team at (408) 715-3635 for more information on our law firm SEO services.

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